When it’s chilly outside you’ll want to cozy up to this Broccoli Butternut Squash soup, to warm up your bones! It’s satisfying, flavorful, and loaded with vitamin...
An unexpected and refreshing plant-based riff on ceviche using jicama as the seafood substitute. Jicama is an edible root vegetable used in Mexican cooking, although it’s ava...
Honey Sriracha meatballs are a new family favorite! Savory turkey meatballs are coated in the most delicious sweet, and spicy sauce made from sriracha, soy sauce, sesame oil, gin...
Tempeh is a traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans and very high in protein. It has a unique nutty taste and a great texture that absorbs the delicious flavors ...
After watching numerous episodes of Chopped on the Food Network Channel & hearing the chefs profess their aversion to truffle oil, I willfully steered clear of it, that is unti...
Fresh veggie spring rolls are delicious and take only about 15 minutes to prepare. You can easily interchange ingredients based on your taste preference or add some cooked shrimp i...
I’m crazy about Thai food and these Thai shrimp cakes are absolutely scrumptious! Thai food is it’s own, with a special unique blend of the 5 different tastes; sweet, sour, bit...
This salad will make a great starter or side for any holiday meal. The combination of spicy arugula, sweet firm pears, tart pomegranate seeds, blended with the creaminess of the go...