Couscous Citrus Salad with Pistachios is a healthy, delicious side dish combining couscous cooked in fresh-squeezed orange juice then tossed with cucumber, dried apricots, currents...
I had a broccoli, bacon, and cheese salad posted here until I found a delicious, healthier version of the same dish. This “Revamped” Broccoli Salad recipe has a creamy,...
Summer is a time for fun, vacations, BBQ’s and happy hour celebrations, all which can leave us feeling the need, for a little reset. This salad can do just that- it’s l...
Nothing screams “spring” like this verdurous asparagus salad with its crisp veggies, feta cheese, and creamy avocado dressing. It’s easy to make, bright and light, and bursti...
Lentils are a great addition to a nutrient-dense diet. One cup has 18 grams of protein making it a great plant-based protein source, and with 14 grams of fiber this salad will fill...
This Black Bean, Corn, and Jicama salad recipe is one of my favorite go-to meals in warmer months. So easy to prepare and exploding with flavor from fresh ingredients. It makes for...
I first discovered this Savory Tuna Salad at Central Market in Dallas Tx, and thought the flavors were fantastic. The lemon vinaigrette tastes amazing with the tuna and compliments...
The combination of flavors and textures in this California Quinoa salad makes it one of the most colorful, flavorful and satiating salads you will eat! It’s easy to prepare and i...
This Cooling Fire Kale Salad has a kick, with fresh jalapenos and a hint of cayenne, but is balanced out with the refreshing tastes of cucumbers, cilantro & coconut. According ...
I loathed peas as a child but it’s high time to give peas a chance! This Cool Mint and Pea Salad is the perfect recipe to change even the pickiest of palates. Peas are consid...
Salads can get a bad rap. They can be boring, or referred to as rabbit food. A kale salad can really turn people off because of the bitterness of the leaves but all the bitterness ...
Although commonly cooked, Brussels sprouts make a delicious salad when shaved or sliced thin. Combined with Swiss chard it’s a nice change-up from the typical romaine salad. ...