
Benefits of a Dry January

Happy New Year! For those of you that did a lot of entertaining this holiday season and feeling the effects of it, I’m recommending a Dry January Challenge. What is a Dry January Challenge? It’s pretty straight forward-you steer clear of alcohol for the entire month of January. It’s a trend that has caught on […]

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Reset after Overindulging

If you’re feeling sluggish after an evening, weekend, or fortnight of eating and drinking to excess, don’t beat yourself up! Just balance it out with some extra self-care. No matter how healthy we are in our daily lives, most of us tend to loosen the reigns a little bit around the holidays (including health coaches). […]

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Holiday Season: How To Indulge Yourself

With the holidays come family gatherings, meeting up with friends, office parties, and other events, sweet treats, comfort foods and cocktails. Eating is a very social activity, and social interaction is explicitly tied not just to our mental health but also our physical health. Studies have shown social engagement is associated with a stronger immune […]

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Is Your Sugar Intake Aging Your Face?

Most people know that eating too much sugar can have many negative health effects on the body, but what many may not know, is that a study on nutrition and aging points to high sugar consumption as a big contributor to premature wrinkling. Sugar, is in just about everything we eat, from natural sugars in […]

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DIY Coffee Yogurt Face Scrub/Mask

Benefits of Coffee on the Skin: Caffeine, the prime ingredient synonymous with coffee reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Coffee is also rich in antioxidants which improves elasticity of your skin. Coffee will help you repair and prevent damage of UV rays. When applied to the skin, coffee increases the production of collagen […]

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Autumn Equinox: Seasonal Change Affects Our Health

The Autumn Equinox occurs on the 22nd of September, marking the change in seasons and the spiraling in of energy. If you experience symptoms like colds, flu, skin rashes, or digestive irregularities around this time, it may actually be a good thing. The Autumn Equinox marks a crossover point where our energy moves inwards, and […]

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Forearm Plank/ Dolphin Pose

Forearm Plank Pose   Build strength. Build confidence.  Forearm plank (Dolphin pose in yoga), improves posture and counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting and doing computer work. It strengthens your core (abdominal and back muscles) arms, shoulders, thighs, legs, and feet. It can also stimulate proper digestion, boost energy and fight fatigue. As your core […]

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in Health

How Healthy Is Your Diet?

Most Americans think their diet is healthier than it is.  A new study found that most people are unable to accurately assess the quality of their diet. Many adults believe their food choices are healthier than they really are. The ones who are the most accurate, however, are the ones who maintain a less healthy […]

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in Health

The New Green Mediterranean Diet

Researchers are saying the new “Green” Mediterranean Diet is healthier for you than even the traditional Mediterranean Diet. That’s according to a new study published online in the journal Heart.  Those on the Green Mediterranean Diet experienced increased cardiovascular and metabolic benefits and saw a waist reduction average of almost 3.5 inches.    The researchers […]

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Benefits of Drinking Turmeric Tonic Daily

Summertime in Traditional Chinese Medicine is the most yang time of year and is ruled by fire. The summer season is associated with the heart and the small intestine in the body.  When the fire element is unbalanced or in disharmony, depression, insomnia, and digestive issues may arise. When we are properly balanced, the heart […]

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Low Fat is Not “All That”

The US government, clinical nutritionists, mainstream media, and the average person on the street will tell you that eating a diet low in fat, especially saturated fat, will lower your risk of death from coronary heart disease. Although most “official” healthy eating guides endorse it, no randomized research study has ever been able to link […]

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