This Hatch Green Chicken Chili is a new family favorite! I was first introduced to roasted Hatch Chile peppers at Central Market grocers in Dallas Tx. They’re very tasty. Wha...
When it’s chilly outside you’ll want to cozy up to this Broccoli Butternut Squash soup, to warm up your bones! It’s satisfying, flavorful, and loaded with vitamin...
A tried and true favorite that will please a crowd! This Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas recipe is super simple and comes together pretty quickly, using rotisserie chicken. It’s g...
If you’re not familiar with okonomiyaki, it’s a frittata-like Japanese savory pancake made with cabbage, scallions, and assorted meat and seafood. My version isn’t entirely a...
This chicken soup reminds me of my grandmother’s recipe; simple with poached chicken, hearty vegetables, fresh herbs and chicken broth. Comforting flavors that warm the soul....
Honey Sriracha meatballs are a new family favorite! Savory turkey meatballs are coated in the most delicious sweet, and spicy sauce made from sriracha, soy sauce, sesame oil, gin...
I can’t say enough about these delicious, mouthwatering Asian Burgers with Sriracha Mayo. They are juicy, tender and bursting with flavor. Crispy cabbage slaw adds a nice cru...
This easy baked flounder recipe uses a little bit of panko bread crumbs, but mostly grated Parmesan, and we couldn’t be happier with the results. Flounder has a mild flavor, ...
These fish tacos have been my weeknight go-to lately, as they are light, flavorful, and easy to prepare. Lean flakey white fish like cod, snapper, or mahi mahi are traditionally us...
Whether you’re feeling under the weather or just in the mood for a bowl of comfort, this cabbage soup is simple to prepare, and loaded with flavor. It’s also very custo...
Bland, boring beans are taken to a whole new level with these crunchy, vibrant green beans, tossed with toasted walnuts, and a dried-cherry vinaigrette.This flavorful side dish is ...
Fish are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and wild caught salmon is one of the best! Add some zest with this tangy glaze and sprinkle with sesame seeds and you’ve got a ta...