This easy smoothie recipe is rich and creamy and nutrient dense, making it a satiating, unforgettable breakfast or snack. Check out the benefits from the ingredients: Vita Coco u...
With the Easter Holiday upon us, many people will be offering deviled eggs as an appetizer at their celebrations. I’m not a huge fan of deviled eggs, however, I do enjoy a good e...
These high protein, lower carb energy bites are delicious and packed with nutrient-dense foods like walnuts, almonds & sunflower seeds, flaxseed and almond meal, almond butter,...
This sunrise soft and chewy grainless granola is full of cashews, pecans, walnuts, and sunflower seeds then lightly sweetened with maple syrup, dates, and coconut flakes, making it...
The combination of flavors and textures in this California Quinoa salad makes it one of the most colorful, flavorful and satiating salads you will eat! It’s easy to prepare and i...
This healthy Tumeric tonic not only tastes great but does amazing things to support overall good health! It’s a turmeric drink with a ginger zing, infused with citrus flavors of ...
Fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful and healing juices one can drink. Celery has significant anti-inflammatory properties making it highly beneficial for those who suffe...
After watching numerous episodes of Chopped on the Food Network Channel & hearing the chefs profess their aversion to truffle oil, I willfully steered clear of it, that is unti...
Fresh veggie spring rolls are delicious and take only about 15 minutes to prepare. You can easily interchange ingredients based on your taste preference or add some cooked shrimp i...
What do you get when you combine sweet potatoes, celery, red onion, red pepper, bread & butter pickles, mustard and cayenne pepper? A kick- a** spicy sweet potato salad!! Thi...
This smoothie is packed with all sorts of beneficial vitamins and nutrients your body will love! The majority of the ingredients, greens, are excellent for restoring energy, increa...
Craving something that makes a great snack, easy side dish, is low in calories, high in fiber AND tastes delicious? Well, look no further as this Cabbage Slaw has it all! Cabbage i...