Grab This, Not That

by Lisa Breitenwischer

April 17, 2022

Grab This, Not That

On certain days we may find ourselves craving a particular type of food, such as salt, sweets or fat, etc. While some might find this “normal”, it’s actually your body telling you it’s depleted in a specific vitamin or nutrient, therefore, creating a craving. Often times we don’t really understand the specific nutrient we are lacking, so we just consume whatever craving comes to mind, which typically ends up being something unhealthy or processed. Below I have compiled a list of common cravings and healthier alternatives.

  • Salty → body needs chloride; instead of eating chips, try tomatoes, seaweed, celery, or olives
  • Sugar/sweets → need chromium, sulfur, and tryptophan; instead of candy, cookies, pastries, or muffins, try broccoli, grapes, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, kale, sweet potatoes, or beans
  • Fatty foods calcium; instead of fast food, fries, cheese, pizza, or ice cream, try broccoli, salmon, kale, almonds, spinach, green beans, or leafy greens
  • Carbohydrates → nitrogen; instead of bread or pasta, try organic lean meats, beans, peas, lentils, chia seeds, mushrooms
  • Carbonated Drinks → calcium; instead of soda, try kale, almonds, spinach, broccoli, sesame seeds
  • Alcohol → protein, calcium, potassium; instead of wine, beer or liquor, try nuts, black olives, broccoli, kale, legumes, or oatmeal
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