How Healthy Is Your Diet?

by Lisa Breitenwischer

June 22, 2022

How Healthy Is Your Diet?

Most Americans think their diet is healthier than it is. 

A new study found that most people are unable to accurately assess the quality of their diet. Many adults believe their food choices are healthier than they really are. The ones who are the most accurate, however, are the ones who maintain a less healthy diet. In fact, out of 9,700 people that took the survey, 85% (about 8,000 people) got it wrong.

The people who did the best at rating the quality of their diet, were those who rated it poor.

Experts say, it’s your overall pattern of eating that matters. In other words, there’s room for the occasional indulgence providing your are eating healthy most of the time.

How To Improve The Quality of Your Diet?

It’s ok to eat out every now and then, just be aware that most restaurants in the U.S. serve larger portions which contain more calories, fat, and sodium. It’s ok to have chips, or a slice of cake occasionally too, just as long as these foods fit in with an overall healthy eating pattern. 

Some Recommendations:

Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods.

Nutrient-dense refers to the ratio of a food’s vitamin and mineral content in relation to the number of calories (or energy) that food contains. Nutrient dense foods are high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids.

(If you eat a lot less nutrient-dense foods like pretzels, fried foods, chips, or desserts, you’ll need to over consume on calories just to reach your body’s daily nutrient needs.)

Practice Portion Control. 

Start reading labels to see what a serving size is. When eating out, share a meal or eat half and take the rest in home, a doggie bag.

Eat Plenty of Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grains. 

These food groups are considered nutrient-dense.

Consume More Fiber.

Most people in the U.S don’t consume enough fiber. Aim for 30 grams a day, working up to 50 grams a day.

Limit Added Sugars and Refined Grains.

Added sugars and refined grains have calories but little to no nutritional value.

Limit Your Sodium Intake.

The dietary guidelines for Americans is 2300 mg per day.

Limit Trans Fats.

Foods containing trans fat are processed foods like, fried foods, non dairy creamer, donuts, pies, and cookies. It’s considered the worst type of fat to eat as it clogs arteries, increasing chances of heart disease and linked to worsened memory function. 

If you are interested in learning how to create a healthier eating plan, email me at: I take a bio-individual approach focusing on your specific needs and goals to help you get to the root of your issue. Your program will be designed uniquely for you and your life style.

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