This lemon asparagus pasta dish tastes like Italian springtime! It’s bright from both lemon juice and zest, creamy from goat cheese & parmesan, and fresh from the addition of...
I often post salad recipes with a dressing but this easy lemon vinaigrette recipe is so versatile, you can use it on everything. In fact, it’s my new goto for salads, cooke...
Tired of the same ol sandwich? It’s time for a sandwich shake up-Smashed Chickpeas and Avocado on sourdough is the bomb. It’s vegan, fast, and packed with protein. More...
Tempeh is a traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans and very high in protein. It has a unique nutty taste and a great texture that absorbs the delicious flavors ...
I loathed peas as a child but it’s high time to give peas a chance! This Cool Mint and Pea Salad is the perfect recipe to change even the pickiest of palates. Peas are consid...